10 in 1 Supplement → Complément alimentaire 10 en 1

Description du produit
• ASHWAGANDHA → Ashwagandha
• RHODIOLA ROSEA → Rhodiola Rosea
• PANAX GINSENG → Ginseng Panax
• GINKGO BILOBA → Ginkgo Biloba
MAX STRENGTH → Force Maximale
Ingrédients principaux :
• Shilajit
• Ashwagandha
• Rhodiola Rosea
• Ginseng
• Champignon Cordyceps
• Ginkgo Biloba
• Ortie piquante
• Curcuma
90 Capsules → 90 capsules
Dietary Supplement → Complément alimentaire
Discover the incredible story of Shilajit Feel Pure

#1 Formation: Did you know? It is estimated that it takes between 1000 and 6000 years for Shilajit to form high in the Himalayan Mountains.Why so long? It all begins with the slow decomposition of plant and mineral matter, under the influence of the sun and geological pressure.
Over time, this decomposition produces a dark, thick substance, rich in minerals, called Shilajit.
Why travel to the Himalayas to find Shilajit?
There are several reasons for this:
- Geology : It is a young mountain range in formation which undergoes continuous tectonic movements.
- Abundant flora : The Himalayan region has a diverse flora, including many medicinal herbs.
- Rich Minerals : The Himalayan Mountains are home to a wide variety of minerals, which are found in Shilajit.
- High altitude : At these altitudes, the absence of pollution and the high pressure promote the decomposition of matter without being altered by harmful elements.
- Climatic conditions : The cold and dry climate of the Himalayas helps in the preservation of Shilajit once formed.
Harvesting and Extraction
#2 Harvesting : Shilajit harvesting in the Himalayan mountains is an ancient art passed down through generations. Shilajit seekers trek through the rugged terrain looking for natural cracks in the rocks where this precious resin slowly leaks out over the years. Using simple tools, they carefully extract the Shilajit, taking care not to damage the rock.
#3 Extraction : Our Feel Pure resin is extracted using a unique method that combines traditional ingredients and modern techniques.
First, Triphala , a preparation made from local fruits (amla, haritaki and bibhitaki), which is used in Ayurvedic medicine, is mixed with ethanol to create a solution.
This is then used to slowly extract the Shilajit from the cracks in the rocks, where it has accumulated over time. The ethanol acts as a solvent, making it easier to separate the active compounds in Shilajit from the unwanted materials, while preserving its beneficial properties .

Purification and Drying
#4 Purification : Once the extraction is complete, the solution is filtered to remove solid particles, thus obtaining a liquid form of Shilajit. This technique allows the active compounds of Shilajit to be concentrated while ensuring its purity .
#5 Drying : To obtain its resin texture, the Shilajit is then subjected to centrifugal force to remove excess moisture.
Under this force, the moisture contained in the resin is expelled, leaving behind a more concentrated and less liquid consistency. This technique is commonly used to improve the quality and purity of the resin, making it more suitable for medicinal applications or traditional uses.
The centrifugation method is a modern way to obtain high quality resin while preserving its health-promoting properties . It is increasingly used to meet contemporary needs while respecting traditional practices .
Analysis and Packaging
#6 Analyses : Once the final product is obtained, it is subjected to a multitude of analyses and laboratory tests to ensure its quality: Purity, absence of heavy metals , fulvic and humic acid content, etc.
#7 Packaging : At Feel Pure, the Shilajit resin is then packaged in ecological glass jars . The glass allows for better resistance to light and therefore the conservation of our resin. The jars are then carefully packed in their box before being shipped and delivered in just 3 days anywhere in France!

Frequency ask questions
Le pot contient 50 doses de 500 mg. Afin de profiter au maximum des bienfaits du Shilajit, nous recommandons de consommer une à deux doses par jour. En pratique, cela devrait couvrir
une période de 1 à 2 mois. Une dose de 500 mg équivaut à un petit pois.
La majorité de nos clients rapportent des bénéfices initiaux tels qu’une réduction du stress et de la fatigue ainsi qu’une augmentation de l’énergie et de la concentration, dans les 10 premiers jours suivant leur première
Pour bénéficier pleinement des bienfaits, il est recommandé de prendre 1 à 2 doses de résine Shilajit par jour pendant des cures de 6 à 8 semaines.
« Le shilajit doit être consommé le matin pour éviter l’insomnie la nuit. » En effet, le shilajit est un stimulant, similaire à la consommation de caféine ou d’une tasse de café le soir
De par sa richesse en minéraux naturels, le Shilajit a un goût souvent décrit comme terreux. Nos clients aiment le mélanger à d’autres aliments ou boissons comme le thé, le café, les tisanes ou le
miel. Retrouvez toutes nos recettes exclusives dans notre E-book offert pour tout achat !
Rien de plus simple ! À l’aide de notre mini-cuillère offerte avec chaque commande, il vous suffit de prélever l’équivalent d’un petit pois (250 à 500 mg) de notre résine et de la dissoudre dans une
boisson chaude.
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